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Benefits of Perenso's B2B Sales Software

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Increase efficiency

Icons for website - Reduce costs (3)

Reduce costs

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Gain insights

Key Features for the Lawn & Garden Industry

Order Entry

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Ordering is inefficient and contains order errors.


A customizable and intuitive order screen that can handle simple or complex ordering. Product pricing, order history, automatically calculated deals, etc. improve customer conversations and allow up-selling and quick order entry without errors.

Kits & Displays

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Unclear about what is included in kits and displays.


Perenso ensures your customers have all the information they need for the kits and displays including the included items and details about each product.

Deals &


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Difficult to know which deals are available for which products, and manually calculating deals leaves room for errors.


With Perenso, deals and discounts can be available at various levels and are automatically calculated.


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Need a way to incentivize customers.


Keep your customers engaged and excited by offering spiffs, cash-back, redemptions, raffle tickets, and other gamification tools.


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Inefficient way to share content and sales aides to customers.


Everything is in one easy-to-access place - ensure customers have all the up-to-date supporting information to make educated decisions.

Lead Capture

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With Perenso, capturing leads is easy. Lead contact details are automatically organized in a report, and with the ability to create custom lead qualification questions, you know exactly what your future customers want and need.


Everything is in one easy-to-access place - ensure customers have all the up-to-date supporting information to make educated decisions.


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Data is out of sync when shared between multiple systems.


APIs allow Perenso to seamlessly integrate with your existing business processes and systems so data is consistent. Easily merge with your ERP systems as well as other CRM platforms.


& Analytics


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Data is messy and hard to understand


Comprehensive reporting tailored to your business needs. Reporting and analytics dashboards give you insights into your business so you can make data-driven decisions.

Trusted By Leading Lawn & Garden Brands and Distributors

BWI (400x200)
Hydrofarm (400x200)
VG Supply (400x200)
Fosters (400x200)

Why Perenso B2B Sales Software For Lawn & Garden?

"Sales reached double-digit growth for multiple years in a row as a direct result of how accessible and easy it was to order on the Perenso platform."

- Raz Cuculea, Hydrofarm Canada

"The reporting features are outstanding. The data we had for orders after the show was the cleanest data that we've ever had, and we exceeded our sales goals by 25%."

- James Stewart, Central Garden & Pet

"The Perenso software is very easy to navigate on the host side, and our vendor community loves it and they say this platform is the best in our business."

- Amelia Stensland, Foster's Inc.

"Perenso is just a better product. Better team, better infrastructure, and better results."

- Raz Cuculea, Hydrofarm Canada

"With the virtual Cloud Show removing travel barriers, we saw a 50% increase in attendance and a 30% increase in sales. Vendors love it and have told other distributors that they should use Perenso."

- Jeff Engel, Foster's Inc.

"We were able to increase show sales by 40% over the last year by switching to Perenso's virtual platform."

- Bart Fornfeist, L&L Nursery Supply

Field Sales Guide(lawn & garden)

Are you ready to watch your sales blossom?

Download the new guide to learn field sales management strategies for your sales team.


A B2B Solution For Every Selling Occasion

Reduce sales visit costs by 20%

Get orders out 2 weeks faster

Increase field sales revenue by 20%

Reduce data admin burden by up to 2 days a week

Do 20% more sales calls each week

Perenso has the tools you need to grow your business.

Schedule a demo today.

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